Monday, July 06, 2009

In the news... 

What are the odds of getting away with murder? About 40% nationally, 30% her in tough-on-crime New York City. The story. Hey, 40% is a lot more than the impression you'd get from watching CSI, Law & Order, and all those procedural shows. The next time someone really annoys me...

Saddam's astute strategy: Be more concerned about what the Iranians might do to you than what the US might. Kick the weapons inspectors out because they “would have directly identified to the Iranians where to inflict maximum damage to Iraq.” Better to let the Iranians and everyone think maybe you really have those WMDs, as long as they can't prove it. Such he told his interrogators, who told the New York Times. The next time you think about starting a war, consider how probably everybody's misjudging everybody.

Climate change shrinks sheep. Is there anything it can't do? "It's too early to say if, in 100 years, we will have chihuahuas herding pocket-sized sheep." (It's also very good for the wild sheep, enabling more to survive harsh winters.)