Monday, April 06, 2009

Why I'm not watching the NCAA college basketball championship game.

Mankiw suggests the NCAA is evil, citing...

... college sports is big business, but very little of this flows to the student-athletes...

At a time when most schools are tightening their belts with salary freezes, staff layoffs and the like, the University of Tennessee just announced it was going to start paying two assistant football coaches $650,000 or more each (the head coach makes $2 million).

Jim Calhoun, head coach of the University of Connecticut men's basketball team, recently made headlines when he launched into a tirade at a blogger who questioned his $1.6 million annual compensation. Those high salaries are financed from the talents of unpaid student-athletes. (Talk about income inequality.) So not only are the young being exploited, but the exploitation is being committed by their adult mentors...
While Robert Barro points to the NCAA's particulary perverse success at selling itself as the "good guy"...

"...more impressive is the NCAA's ability to maintain the moral high ground ... the athletic association has managed to convince most people that the evildoers are the schools that violate the rules by attempting to pay athletes, rather than the cartel enforcers who keep the student-athletes from getting paid..."
... in naming the NCAA "The Best Little Monopoly in America".

My only disagreement with them is that they're too easy on it.