Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take me out to the ball game, II.

The angst felt by Yankees fans who paid more than $2,500 per seat to go to the New Yankee Stadium and watch the team lose 22-4 was previously mentioned.

But, it turns out, there weren't so many of them

Inspired by the sight of hundreds of empty "premium" seats behind first and third bases during each and every game broadcast on their cable TV network, and on the sports highlight shows, the Yankees have decided to go "downmarket" and welcome the proletariate into the New Stadium.

The Yankees are cutting tickets priced at $2,500 per game to $1,250, and their $1,000 tickets to only $650, and their $750 tickets to only $550 each! [MLB fanhouse]

Honey, turn over the couch cushions, I'm collecting the money to take the kids to a game!