Sunday, January 09, 2005

What's more dangerous than using a cell phone when driving?

One could make a list -- in fact somebody did.
The top causes of accident-causing distractions, according to a study of accidents conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University:

1. Rubbernecking (looking something on or near the road while passing it)... 16%
2. Fatigue ... 12%
3. Looking at scenery or landmarks ... 10%.
4. Attention given to a child or other passenger ... 9%
5. Adjusting a radio or changing a CD or tape recording ... 7%
6. Cell phones ... 5%.
7. Eyes just not on the road ... 4.5%
8. Daydreaming ... 4%
9. Eating or drinking ... 4%
10. Adjusting vehicle controls ... 4%
11. Weather conditions ... 2%
12. Insect, animal or object hitting or entering vehicle ... 2%
13. Reading a map, directions, newspaper or something else ... 2%
14. Medical or emotional problem... 2%
and Unknown: ... 2%
Moreover, studies show that accidents involving cell phones relate primarily not to dialing or holding them but to the distraction caused by the phone conversation itself.

My home state has made use of hand-held cell phones illegal while driving. Looks to me like maybe it should get on to banning radios & CD players, food, and perhaps children too.