Sunday, January 23, 2005

Social Security posts.

The most read posts on this site (apart from those on the Mafia and sex) have been the ones relating to Social Security.

Until a decent general index gets added to this place I'll be keeping a list of them here, so they remain available after they scroll off the main page.

These are in the general order of the number of views and links to them, and so presumably in the general order of interest...

[revised 5/6/05]

Social Security, future economic growth, and stock returns. (link)

Is the Social Security Trust Fund worth less than zero? Are the "savings" in it actually worsening budget deficits as we speak? (link)

You thought the 2004 federal deficit was $412 billion? How about $11.1 trillion, by the accounting rules the private sector uses. (link)

NY Times employees get a small taste of the future of Social Security and Medicare. (link)

Social Security privatization basics: How can privatization possibly help? (Or: The "transition cost" fallacy's ugly head rises once more and needs to be chopped off yet again.) (link)

Are promised Social Security benefits a real obligation of the US government, or are they not? Democrats say "yes!" as Democrats say "no!"... (link)

How much will federal income taxes have to increase by the year 2030 to fund Social Security and Medicare -- if benefits aren't reduced instead? Answer: By more than 60%. (link) ... Updated

Paul Krugman commits a cardinal sin of logic regarding Social Security, and repeats it, and repeats it... (link)

Paul Krugman Dowds Jeremy Siegel on stock returns versus bond returns. (link)

Paul Krugman tells a fib in black and white. (link)

Why does the White House keep undercutting its own case for private Social Security accounts? Isn't Karl Rove supposed to be a genius? (link)

The White House undercuts its own case for private accounts in Social Security, part II. (link)

An answer for Michael Kinsley about Social Security -- made in four points, with a question going back to him. (link)

Social Security reform: The simple reason why it's better to borrow to close the funding gap now rather than later. (link)

Social Security: The "Do Nothing Reform Plan" detailed. Feel free to attribute it to opponents of reform who have no plan of their own. (link)

On the nonsense about the Social Security Trust Fund guaranteeing payment of currently promised benefits -- or any level of benefits -- from 2018 on. (link)

How big will the US economy be relative to the rest of the world 75 years from now? Still a giant? Or merely what Sweden is to Europe today? (link)

In anticipation of Michael Kinsley's new & improved proof that Social Security privatization can't work. (link)

What Krugman forgot to mention about the cost of private accounts in Social Security. (link)

Economics lessons cribbed from other blogs. (link)

The Social Security debate's Lewis Carroll arguments, part one: the catastrophe of defaulting on one's debt to oneself. With puzzles for readers. (link)

Imperial Overreach (link)

This Social Security crisis of ours could have unexpected consequences! (link)

OK, that's it. Until I get more news of Joe Massino or pictures of Tara Reid these will have to do. Enjoy.