Saturday, January 22, 2005

Manhattan blizzard blogging

Seventh Avenue looking uptown from 16th St., around 9 pm...

and downtown...

The little white dots are snow ... the big ones too, after they hit the camera lens and melt. The snow was blowing into the camera facing uptown.

Yeah, they're not the greatest pictures -- but I'm an amateur and there's a blizzard going on. And this whole blog is only an experiment.

Around 15 inches with winds up to 50 mph predicted. But the forecasts are always wrong, in one direction or the other.

Update, following day: The NY Times has much better pictures (well, they can afford it) accompanying this story. But they seem to have misnamed the slide shows -- the "across the nation" one is NYC, and the "digging out" one is across the nation. At least as of this writing.

As to "the forecasts are always wrong", I happened to read these words in today's paper...

Mother Nature won't let the city out of her clutches until this afternoon, meteorologists predict, after dumping up to 20 inches of powder on the city and lashing those who dare to go outside with winds as powerful as 50 mph...
... while pleasantly sitting outdoors around noon under a clear blue sky, enjoying a cup of coffee, with nary a breeze to rustle the pages of the sports section.