Sunday, November 13, 2005

Driving across the New England and the Northeast ...

... taking the eldest kid to visit various colleges so he can make an informed choice about which one he's going to use to bankrupt me.

Thus the sparse blogging. The computer's being used instead basically by the Garmin GPS system.

Now this is a new experience to me. One can't read the computer screen as one drives -- as the first screen that pops up warns one -- so the thing talks you to where you are going as you drive. It does this in an insinuating feminine voice that might be that of the niece of Hal 9000...

In 6 tenths of a mile turn north ... that wasn't north ... in 4 tenths of a mile make a U-turn ... proceed 97.4 miles then exit right ... ha, ha, I've taken you to Montreal...
I'll give it credit for one thing, when the kid decided he wanted curry it found an Indian restaurant in Binghamton.